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By agreeing to our Terms & Conditions you agree that the goods to be transported within Australia are not classified as dangerous or hazardous goods.
A basic guide and list of dangerous/hazardous goods classes is listed below.
Class 1: Explosives |
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Division 1.1: Substances and articles which have a mass explosion hazard Division 1.2: Substances and articles which have a projection hazard but not a massexplosion hazard Division 1.3: Substances and articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blasthazard or a minor projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosionhazard Division 1.4: Substances and articles which present no significant hazard Division 1.5: Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard Division 1.6: Extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosionHazard |
Class 2: Gases |
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Division 2.1: Flammable gases |
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Division 2.2: Non-flammable, non-toxic gases |
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Division 2.3: Toxic gases |
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Class 3: Flammable liquids |
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Class 4: Flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion; substances which, on contact with water, emit flammable gases |
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Division 4.1: Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and solid desensitised explosives |
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Division 4.2: Substances liable to spontaneous combustion |
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Division 4.3: Substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases |
Class 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides |
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Division 5.1: Oxidizing substances |
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Division 5.2: Organic peroxides |
Class 6: Toxic and infectious substances |
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Division 6.1: Toxic substances |
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Division 6.2: Infectious substances |
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Class 7: Radioactive material |
Class 8: Corrosive substances |
Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles |
The numerical order of the classes and divisions is not that of the degree of danger.
Below are some examples of goods that are considered as Dangerous Goods for transportation purposes. This list is not a complete list of Dangerous Goods items, if you are still unsure you should contact the relevant Government Department within your state that provides advice on transportation of Dangerous and Hazardous Goods.
AIRCRAFT SPARE PARTS/AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT may contain explosives (flares or other pyrotechnics), chemical oxygen generators, unserviceable tyre assemblies, cylinders of compressed gas (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen or fire extinguishers), paint, adhesives, aerosols, life-saving appliances, first aid kits, fuel in equipment, wet or lithium batteries, matches, etc.
AUTOMOBILES, AUTOMOBILE PARTS (car, motor, motorcycle) may contain ferro-magnetic material which may not meet the definition for magnetized material but which may be subject to special stowage requirements due to the possibility of affecting aircraft instruments (see May also contain engines, carburettors or fuel tanks which contain or have contained fuel, wet batteries, compressed gases in tyre inflation devices, fire extinguishers, shocks/struts with nitrogen, air bag inflators/air bag modules, etc.
BATTERIES (POWERED EQUIPMENT/VEHICLE) includes wet non-spill able batteries, sodium batteries, lithium batteries, Electric Storage batteries such as alkali-manganese, zinc-carbon, nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries, all which must be transported in accordance to their packing instructions or must indicate on air waybill special provision indicating status as not restricted.
BREATHING APPARATUS may indicate cylinders of compressed air or oxygen, chemical oxygen generators or refrigerated liquefied oxygen.
CAMPING EQUIPMENT may contain flammable gases (butane, propane, etc.), flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.), flammable solids (hexamine, matches, etc.) or other dangerous goods.
CHEMICALS may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, particularly flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
COMAT (COMPANY MATERIALS) such as aircraft parts, may contain dangerous goods as an integral part, e.g. chemical oxygen generators in a passenger service unit (PSU), various compressed gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, gas lighters, aerosols, fire extinguishers, flammable liquids such as fuels, paints and adhesives, and corrosive material such as batteries. Other items such as flares, first aid kits, life-saving appliances, matches, magnetized material, etc.
CONSOLIDATED CONSIGNMENTS (GROUPAGES) may contain any of the defined classes of dangerous goods.
CRYOGENIC (LIQUID) indicates refrigerated liquefied gases such as argon, helium, neon and nitrogen.
CYLINDERS may indicate compressed or liquefied gas.
DENTAL APPARATUS may contain flammable resins or solvents, compressed or liquefied gas, mercury and radioactive material.
DIAGNOSTIC SPECIMENS may contain infectious substances.
DIVING EQUIPMENT may contain cylinders (such as scuba tanks, vest bottles, etc.) of compressed gas (air, oxygen, etc), high intensity diving lamps which can generate extremely high heat when operated in air. In order to be carried safely, the bulb or battery must be disconnected.
DRILLING AND MINING EQUIPMENT may contain explosive(s) and/or other dangerous goods.
DRY SHIPPER (VAPOUR SHIPPER) may contain free liquid nitrogen. Dry shippers are subject to these Regulations when they permit the release of any free liquid nitrogen irrespective of the orientation of the packaging.
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT may contain magnetized materials or mercury in switch gear and electron tubes or wet batteries.
ELECTRICALLY POWERED APPARATUS (wheel chairs, lawn mowers, golf carts, etc.) may contain wet batteries.
EXPEDITIONARY EQUIPMENT may contain explosives (flares), flammable liquids (gasoline), flammable gas (propane, camping gas) or other dangerous goods.
FILM CREW OR MEDIA EQUIPMENT may contain explosive pyrotechnic devices, generators incorporating internal combustion engines, wet batteries, fuel, heat producing items, etc.
FIRST AID KITS may contain Liquid Oxygen Devices, Mercury Barometer or Thermometer, Heat Producing Articles, Medicinal or Toiletry Articles, Cardiac Pacemakers/Radio-pharmaceuticals, Safety Matches or Cigarette Lighter, all of which are considered dangerous goods.
FROZEN EMBRYOS may contain refrigerated liquefied gas or Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice).
FROZEN FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. may be packed in Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice).
FUELS may contain flammable liquids, flammable solids or flammable gases.
FUEL CONTROL UNITS may contain flammable liquids.
HOT AIR BALLOON may contain cylinders with flammable gas, fire extinguishers, engines internal combustion, batteries, etc.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods including flammable liquids such as solvent based paint, adhesives, polishes, aerosols (for passengers, those not permitted under Subsection 2.3 of the IATA DGR), bleach, corrosive oven or drain cleaners, ammunition, matches, etc.
INSTRUMENTS may conceal barometers, manometers, mercury switches, rectifier tubes, thermometers, etc. containing mercury.
LABORATORY/TESTING EQUIPMENT may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, particularly flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
MACHINERY PARTS may contain adhesives, paints, sealants, solvents, wet and lithium batteries, mercury, cylinders of compressed or liquefied gas, etc.
MAGNETS AND OTHER ITEMS OF SIMILAR MATERIAL may individually or cumulatively meet the definition of magnetized material (see of IATA DGR).
MEDICAL SUPPLIES may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, particularly flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
METAL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, METAL FENCING, METAL PIPING may contain ferro-magnetic material, which may be subject to special stowage requirements due to the possibility of affecting aircraft instruments (see of IATA DGR).
PARTS OF AUTOMOBILE (CAR, MOTOR, MOTORCYCLE) may contain wet batteries, etc.
PASSENGERS BAGGAGE may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods. Examples include fireworks, flammable household liquids, corrosive oven or drain cleaners, flammable gas or liquid lighter refills or camping stove cylinders, matches, ammunition, bleach, aerosols (those not permitted under Subsection 2.3 of IATA DGR), etc.
PHARMACEUTICALS may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, particularly radioactive material, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, particularly heat producing devices, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
RACING CAR OR MOTORCYCLE TEAM EQUIPMENT may contain engines, carburettors or fuel tanks which contain fuel or residual fuel, flammable aerosols, cylinders of compressed gases, nitromethane, other fuel additives or wet batteries, etc.
REFRIGERATORS may contain liquefied gases or an ammonia solution.
REPAIR KITS may contain organic peroxides and flammable adhesives, solvent based paints, resins, etc.
SAMPLES FOR TESTING may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, particularly infectious substances, flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers, organic peroxides, toxic or corrosive substances.
SEMEN may be packed with Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) or refrigerated liquefied gas. See also DRY SHIPPER.
SHIPS' SPARES may contain explosives (flares), cylinders of compressed gas (life rafts), paint, lithium batteries (emergency locator transmitters), etc.
SHOW, MOTION PICTURE, STAGE AND SPECIAL EFFECTS EQUIPMENT may contain flammable substances, explosives or other dangerous goods.
SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS may contain oxidizing or corrosive substances.
TOOL BOXES may contain explosives (power rivets), compressed gases or aerosols, flammable gases (butane cylinders or torches), flammable adhesives or paints, corrosive liquids, etc.
TORCHES micro torches and utility lighters may contain flammable gas and be equipped with an electronic starter. Larger torches may consist of a torch head (often with a self-igniting switch) attached to a container or cylinder of flammable gas.
UNACCOMPANIED PASSENGERS BAGGAGE/ PERSONAL EFFECTS may contain items meeting any of the criteria for dangerous goods, such as fireworks, flammable household liquids, corrosive oven or drain cleaners, flammable gas or liquid lighter refills or camping stove cylinders, matches, bleach, aerosols, etc.
VACCINES may be packed in Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice).
If you are still uncertain whether your goods are classified as dangerous or hazardous, you should contact the relevant Government Department within your state that provides advice on transportation for Dangerous and Hazardous Goods. Please note, there are huge fines (ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per offence) for individuals or businesses found to be incorrectly declaring dangerous goods for transport or sending dangerous goods with a transport service/carrier that is not licensed to transport dangerous/hazardous goods within Australia.

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